Dr. Giuliana Miguel Pacheco


Dr Giuliana Miguel-Pacheco joined the AWFC Board in 2022 and became President in April 2024. Giuliana grew up in Peru where she completed her degree in veterinary medicine. She continued her academic journey in Mexico where she trained in small animal medicine and surgery at the National Autonomous Mexico University. She trained in animal behaviour and welfare research in the United Kingdom. During her MSc (Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare) at the University of Edinburgh she decided to focus her research area on farm animal welfare, and she continue this research line during her PhD at the University of Nottingham where she looked at the effect of lameness treatment in dairy cattle behaviour and welfare.

In most recent years, Giuliana has been working as an animal welfare scientist and consultant for various projects from captive elephant welfare in the UK, precision livestock farming for ruminants, and farm animal welfare policy writing for North American food businesses and Latin American based NGOs. She moved to Canada to work with Dr Yolande Seddon’s team at the University of Saskatchewan where she developed and tested pig welfare assessment training and collection methods on-farm and at the abattoir. She currently works as farm animal welfare consultant.

Giuliana lives in Treaty 7 region and Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, with her husband and Marietta, a rescued dog from Mexico who has travelled the world with them.

You can reach out to Giuliana at [email protected]

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