As a testimonial to Diane Minshall’s dedicated service to animals and science, a memorial award has been established by the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada (AWFC). Called the Diane Minshall UBC Memorial Award, funds from the endowment will be used in perpetuity to honour Diane’s dedication to the wellbeing and the ethical scientific study of laboratory animals. The Award is to be used for education and training related costs of travel to, and attendance at, conferences and meetings expressly pertaining to the welfare and improvement of conditions for research and laboratory animals.
The Award is open to anyone within UBC and affiliated research institutions involved in the care and study of research animals. Receipt of the Award is to be acknowledged by recipients in any publications or reports stemming from this support.
Learn more about past recipients of this award.
Diane Minshall was a dedicated, creative and gifted technician and manager who worked with research animals at the St. Paul’s Hospital Site of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Diane spent many years on the executive of the Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS) and served as president for five of those years. She spent countless hours examining animal care technicians from across Canada who were working to achieve higher levels of competency. Diane also served on the UBC Animal Care Committee (ACC) where she helped to review many hundreds of animal research proposals.
Diane’s commitment to the humane care and welfare of the animals under her care was an inspiration to those who worked with her. She was a mentor and teacher of many and designed a state of the art animal research facility. Diane had a national reputation in Canada as someone who combined abundant compassion with good science in her approach to the animals we share our work and our lives with. Diane was modest about her leadership in this field. In the words of her partner, Rick Soet:
“It is very gratifying to see how much effort is being invested to recognize Diane’s contributions to the welfare of laboratory and research animals. She was such an unassuming person and would be genuinely surprised by this.”
Submit applications using the Award Application Form to Suzanne Richardson (email), Associate Director, Office of Research Ethics, by no later than February 28th for consideration.
Applications will be adjudicated by the UBC Committee on Animal Care which will make a recommendation on the disposition of the award to the Trustees of the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada.
The Award will be announced annually (funds permitting) at the time of the Annual General Meeting of the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, generally held in April.
Details of the Award and application information can also be found on the UBC Animal Care Committee website. The Diane Minshall Award is open to any one person once in any 5-year period – if you have received funding in the last 5 years, please do not apply.
Donations to the Diane Minshall Award will be placed in a separate division of the Capital Trust Fund of the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, under which terms only the revenue, not the principal, can be expended in perpetuity. Donors will receive a receipt for income tax purposes.
Donations may be made online through our digital donations partner,, by clicking on the Donate Now button below. A tax receipt will be emailed to you immediately upon completion of your donation. Donations may also be made by cheque and mailed to:
The Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada
#68043 – Winnipeg RPO Osborne Village, MB, R3L 2V9
- Please stipulate online or on the cheque or in an accompanying note that the contribution is for the Diane Minshall UBC Memorial Award.