How AWFC Funding Positively Impacts the Lives of Animals
The AWFC allocates funds to support an array of progressive projects that positively impact the lives of animals. Below is a list of activities and initiatives our grants have supported in recent years, and the impact these projects have had/will have on the lives of animals. We hope this summary will lead to a fuller understanding of how donor contributions help us help animals.
Farm Animals
Impact: More farm animals will live enriched lives due to the improvements in animal welfare standards and procedures being phased in on Canada’s farms.
Areas where AWFC funding contributed to higher levels of farm animal welfare:
- Our support enabled Humane Canada (formerly the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies) to provide animal welfare expertise to the national farm animal Code of Practice development committees.
- We supported development of the BCSPCA’s “SPCA Certified” standards and standards for lameness assessment and pain management in cattle and pigs.
- The AWFC sponsored education seminars for egg farmers about ending the use of battery cages to house egg-laying hens, and contributed to humane education materials for school children.
- Funding supported research on the welfare issues that arise in transporting animals to slaughter.
- A grant to Equine Guelph allowed them to survey horse rescue farms in Ontario to assess the challenges in providing optimal care and welfare for rescued horses. The information gleaned from this survey was used to develop training materials and a guidelines document for farm staff and management and other horse rescue organizations.
Companion Animals
Impact: More people are educated about the needs of dogs and cats, and increased collaboration and development of standards among animal rescue organizations will reduce unnecessary euthanasia and improve the quality of life for companion animals in urban, remote and indigenous communities across Canada.
Areas where AWFC funding contributed to higher levels of companion animal welfare:
- To address companion animal care and dog-human issues in indigenous communities, the AWFC supported initiatives by the Canine Action Project and Lakes Animal Friendship Society .
- Funding was provided to Paws for Hope to convene 21 animal rescue groups in BC to plan and explore ideas for a new collaborative working environment.
- We supported the Saskatchewan SPCA in their efforts to develop a voluntary registration and certification program for animal rescues in the province – a model that can/may be adopted, in whole or in part, by other provinces.
- To reduce cat overpopulation and euthanasia rates, we granted funds to the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies for their Cats in Canada Task Force study.
- Funding helped Community Veterinary Outreach study the health of companion animals belonging to people in Ontario who are homeless or vulnerably housed. By evaluating and creating a selection of health indicators, the study will aid in policy and program decision making in order to more effectively support the welfare of these animals.
- To foster empathy and compassion for animals in young people, grants from the AWFC supported several K-12 humane education programs by various humane societies across the country.
Impact: Reduce the number of human-wildlife conflicts and culling policies, and the harm caused by such interactions.
Areas where AWFC funding contributed to higher levels of welfare for wildlife:
- Our support of Sierra Club’s Watch for Wildlife program in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick helped raise awareness of and reduce the impacts of wildlife vehicle collisions on wildlife, people, wildlife rehabilitation organizations, and endangered species.
- A grant to National Wildlife Centre allowed them to distribute informational kits to other rehabilitation facilities on how to properly treat emaciated wildlife.
- We supported a research and education program for ranchers conducted by Wolf Awareness in order to promote the use of non-lethal management of wolves and coyotes to prevent livestock predation.
- Funding for Bear Smart enabled them to survey current best practices on mitigating human-bear conflicts across North America, and then share that research with other communities.
- A grant enabled South Okanagan Rehabilitation Centre for Owls to create video and radio public service announcements to inform the public on what they should do if they find orphaned or inured birds of prey.
Exotic and Captive Wild Animals
Impact: A reduction in the trade and confinement of wild and exotic species for entertainment and companionship purposes.
Areas where AWFC funding contributed to higher levels of welfare for exotic and captive wild animals:
- Funding helped Zoocheck provide an educational symposium with expert speakers on improving the understanding of animal welfare issues involved in keeping small exotic animal species as pets.
- The Vancouver Humane Society received a grant to examine and compile the information available on projects and educational materials involving captive cetaceans by aquaria in Canada. The intent of this study was to inform the debate over captive cetaceans and assess whether aquaria meet their stated intention to positively influence the public’s attitudes towards the need for conservation efforts for wild populations of cetaceans.
Legislative Issues – All Animals/Multi-Sector
Impact: Improvement in the competence and success rate of attorneys prosecuting animal cruelty cases.
- A grant to Animal Justice Canada helped them develop a Canadian Animal Law Guide to provide a detailed legal overview of all animal law in Canada in order to better inform prosecutions.
- The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies received funding to develop a national training program and resources to support Crown Attorneys in vigorous prosecution of crimes against animals under the Criminal Code of Canada.
Memorial Grants and Bursaries Supporting Education
Impact: Broaden society’s understanding of and compassion for the biological, sociological and psychological needs of animals.
Several smaller memorial grants and bursaries are managed by the AWFC:
- The Carol Morgan Memorial Award provides a $1000 grant each year to practicing veterinarians in good standing to support education and training-related costs in the areas of ethics and/or animal welfare for veterinarians working to increase the application of these subjects within the profession.
- The Diane Minshall UBC Memorial Award gives $500 each year to anyone within UBC and affiliated research institutions involved in the care and study of research animals and is to be used for education and training-related costs expressly pertaining to the welfare and improvement of conditions for research and laboratory animals.
- We provide a $500 grant to one or two “in-need” animal protection organizations each year to send a staff member to attend the national conference hosted by Humane Canada in order to glean ideas and strategies for their own communities.
- We help fund the cost of hosting free, public lectures on various animal welfare topics.
- Student Animal Welfare Clubs at Canada’s universities also benefit from our funding which support extra-curricular and educational activities that promote animal welfare aimed at student club members, the greater student population, and, where possible, the general public.
Click on the “Donate Now” button below to support the work of the AWFC. Our digital donation partner, CanadaHelps.org, will email an electronic tax receipt to you immediately after you complete your donation.
Donations by cheque may also be sent to the mailing address below. All donations will be gratefully acknowledged and an income tax receipt will be issued.
Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada
#68043 – Winnipeg RPO Osborne Village, MB, R3L 2V9
If you wish to leave a legacy or bequest to the Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, we encourage you to obtain the advice of a solicitor, and/or contact the AWFC for more information.
THE ANIMAL WELFARE FOUNDATION OF CANADA is a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity, number 11878-7290-RR0001.